History of

The Beadles of London

History of The Beadles of London

Contact Us

Beadles Guild Secretary

Please contact the secretary for general information and guild membership:

Email the Beadles Guild at:

This is an independence website on the History of the Beadles of London, and not the official working website of The City of London Beadles Guild, for more official information regarding the Guild please contact their Honorary Secretary.

We hope you have all enjoyed over the years reading the History of The City of London Beadles.

Many thanks

David Hasler

(One of the longest servicing Hall Beadles with 18 years + in post).

Contributing to our Website

If you have any documents or images which would help tell the story of the Livery Company Beadle please get in touch.

All of the Livery Companies have detailed records of past Masters, Wardens and Clerks but the role of the Beadles has received less attention. We would like to include names and dates of holders of the posts through the ages (see Rolls of Honour).

Any information would be appreciated as we try to construct a lasting record of the unsung, and usually under-paid stalwarts of the Livery Companies.

We are also pleased to include details of the work of The Ward Beadles and the activities of The Guild of Freemen.

If you would like to contribute material or a link please contact:

David R Hasler

Beadle to the Cutlers’ Company


Tel: 020 7248 1866
